synology cloudflare ddns


Configure Cloudflare for Synology DDNS

Synology doesn’t support Cloudflare by default, but JoshuaAvalon has written a script to get this configured within DSM: from

SSH into your Synology NAS and complete the following steps:

  1. Download DDNS script — I recommend saving as if you have multiple domains.
$ sudo wget -O /sbin/

2. Grant execute permissions

$ sudo chmod +x /sbin/

3. Push configuration to DSM DDNS provider list

$ sudo echo "[Cloudflare Domain Name]">>/etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf
$ sudo echo " modulepath=/sbin/">>/etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf
$ sudo echo " queryurl=">>/etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf
$ sudo echo " website=">>/etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf

Open Cloudflare dashboard for your domain name and complete the following steps:

  1. Get Zone ID for your domain
  2. Generate scoped API Token with the following permissions:
  • Zone — Zone — Read
  • Zone — DNS — Edit

Scope the token to your required domain name, if you have multiple Zones and/or require multiple DDNS entries for different hostnames

Return to DSM Gui and complete the following steps:

  1. Open Control Panel -> External Access -> DDNS
  2. Create “Cloudflare Domain Name”” DDNS entry in DSM Console:
  • hostname: the a record of your domainname (mine
  • Username/Email: the ZoneID of your zone
  • Password/Key: the scoped API token created in Cloudflare dashboard

Great stuff! DDNS should now be working, and you can move on to create the corresponding TLS certificates for your Synology NAS






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